It is in
highest good to know yourself more fully, so that you may live more
fully in life. Coming into alignment with your true nature, the
essence of who you are in truth, brings you clarity, peace and even
joy. This lesson is about how to commune more readily with that
aspect of you that is your greater conscious awareness.
settle yourself as you did last month with the grounding, the
connecting through to all the parts of yourself. We hope you have
developed a greater familiarity with your essence of energetic
substance in physical form.
So bring
yourself into that settled state of grounding, and now you are
continuing to turn inward, looking for that area within that feels
like the home of your true self, your true essence, the heart of you.
The truth of who you are. Often this is in the chest region or
sometimes the solar plexus. It will vary for each person.
exercise and all that we will teach you, are best accomplished by
refraining from analysing. Allow yourself to go with that which
comes to you naturally. Refrain from over-thinking, please.
in to this heart-space, bringing your awareness into this central
area, allow yourself to penetrate deeper within your conscious self
to a place of automatic knowing, auto-feeling. Ask your inner self
the following question: “Who am I today?” 'Who am I', is a
question that allows you access to your inner knowing through the
feeling sense of what is true. Allow the feeling of the answer to
come forth. You may feel a variety of aspects. The conscious aspect
that has trials and tribulations. But there is also an awareness
underlying this, a deeper knowing that you are truly more than your
accomplishments and failures, your struggles and gains.
Sit in
this style of meditative reflection for a time. Noticing that part
that feels whole. That part that knows it is complete. That part
familiar with pure love. For it resides in each and every one of
you. That spark of light in some may feel or seem to be dim, with
the burdens of life, yet there it is deep within. Others shine
brightly knowing full well their magnificence as a spirit, as a
being. Draw your attention to this which we call your light within,
this knowing of your truth, your true self. Focus on this and allow
it to expand in your awareness, weeding out negative thoughts,
distracting things. Returning to this awareness, letting it grow,
letting it expand and fill more of your awareness, your attention.
now familiar with this over the next month. Practice daily, if you
will, establishing this connection. You may explore it more if you
feel you are ready and able, but at least do your best to find, to
establish a connection to this true nature part of your essence.
From there we will develop further, next time, as we deepen your
connection and discovery of your self, and of all that you can be
capable. Harnessing the power within, through slow but steady
efforts in self-discovery.
encourage you in this practice of self-discovery, for as you build
the base through these fundamentals all will come more readily for
you. As you commit to your own development, you will reap wonderful
With an
encouraging tone, we bid you happy practice and great joy.
unending love for you,
Divine Spirit Helpers and Lisa
Virtue heals hinderances to your best life and connects you to your
Spirit Guides and Angels. Contact her for a healing or channelling
session, or to book a private group workshop to learn to connect to
your own guides and angels.
sells many supportive crystals and channelled CD's for your journey
of self-discovery and healing. They're also great for hostess gifts
and stocking stuffers. Explore all the new items, including large,
beautiful amethyst geodes.
her website for shopping dates and special events
lisa [at]
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