Saturday, 3 November 2012

A Message from Spirit

I write monthly articles for some local magazines and had forgotten to write an article for November.  
What to do at the last minute?  Ask Spirit to write one, of course!
So I set my intention for an article that would be helpful for people, and attract those whom would benefit.  For good measure I added in for it to also attract those who would benefit from and joyfully and easily afford my services.
Spirit came through with flying colours.   

Dear Ones,
We have come to give you a message of joy and upliftment.  It is our purpose in working with and through Lisa, to bring you a sense of peace and enlightenment about your condition.  We are one with you, I’m sure you have heard this before, yet know it is the case.  Because we are one, we care for you as much or even more than you have the current capacity to do so for yourself.  Not due to any limitations of your spirit or who you truly are, due to the limitations of your circumstances as you play in the realm of Earth.  For it is great experience you have come here to participate in. It is greatly valued by all, by the one true Source that is everything.  You bring the blessing of experiencing all that is to the Creator of all that is.  Knowing this truth, that the purpose of life is to experience, we hope / it is out intention that this brings you greater peace in your life experience.   

It has come to our attention / awareness that many of you are calling for a different way of being, a different sense of knowing.  This time is coming to pass now and you are involved in the thralls of its transcendence.  The time of change, of upheaval.  For to become something different change is required.  Be at one with the knowing that all is coming to pass as you have wished / expressed.  It is not necessarily coming in a form or format you may have anticipated or desired.  First your core issues that have held you where you are must be changed / transformed for you to release that which is no longer serving for your purpose.  Be grateful that things are changing for you.  Now is your opportunity for the further expansion you desired / requested.  We are here for you.  You all have support from the unseen.  Yet if you are looking for something more concrete, more tangible to your senses, there are many who are able to help you, as this magazine demonstrates. 

We are here working with Lisa Virtue to bring you the quiescence of mind, the peaceful feeling in your soul, the expansion of your heart.  We are dearly connected to her.  If it pleases you to connect with a warm hearted spirit who has connected and is able to connect with Source energies to bring about healings and transformations; as well as deliver the loving messages to your heart from those that have passed before you, as well as our council and guidance and of those beings supporting you more specifically; then please do phone or contact her as we feel the love from her heart that expands at the concept of assisting others to a more peaceful place in their journeys.

With great love we bestow this message to be passed along to those who need it.  Follow your hearts dear ones, the calling is pure and felt deep within.  Follow not the fears that have led you.  Go for peace and joy and comfort in knowing all is well, all is for the greater good no matter what.  You are loved beyond comparison and we wish to pass this message along to you with great heartfelt joy, peace and love.  To you all!

Lisa Virtue comes from a place of love and compassion in offering her services as an Energy Healer and Medium.  It would be her great joy to offer an energy exchange with you as is custom in your society.  She has reasonable prices that are reflective of her love and honour her great service.  Know you will be held in a place of love, honour and respect.  You may contact her via phone 613-296-4271 or via her wonderful website that is filled with further information for you.  And please do, if it is your calling to, connect with her via Facebook to engage in conversation and inspired wisdoms.

We honour you all in this exchange, dear readers and Lisa. 
With greatest of love for you all,

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