Monday, 18 June 2012

De-Stress 'n' Stroll

Have you ever been so preoccupied that you arrive at your destination without really knowing how you got there?  It’s more common than you’d think.
The busyness and stress of our lives can really take over.  Suddenly we’re in a world of doing this and getting there while the life we’d prefer to be having is passing us by.  A life filled with peace and joy, ease and even, dare I say the word, tranquillity.

Don’t fear, help is here. 

I’ve been in your shoes.  In fact, I catch myself there again from time to time.  I no longer stay in that place though.  I’d like to teach you how to find your own release.  It makes such a difference.

I rediscovered how connecting with nature can wipe the stress away and bring us into the beauty of the now.   We can receive exactly what we need to help us in our lives simply through appreciating or communing with that which is around us.

Recently I was on back-to-back trips, abroad and closer to home.  In each place I found myself walking though the woods to get to a destination.  The old busy me, stressed me, hurry up me would have gone as quick as I could, likely griping that I couldn’t get a ride.  The current me turned those walks into “Nature Strolls” and experienced such joy, wonder and deep appreciation for everything around me my heart swelled and I felt as if I was on cloud 9.  What a monumental difference.

I invite you to join me on a Nature Stroll to de-stress, slow down and tune in.  Learn tools you can bring in to every day life to help soothe you, and enter into the (perhaps formerly hidden) wonder of the now.

Join me on a Nature Stroll
June 30th from 10:30am – 12:15pm
Normally $45+tax
Special Price $20 (tax incl.)

Strolls will be held throughout summer and fall.  Sign up for the June Stroll or put in your vote for future dates at or call 613-296-4271.

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