Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Validating Moments

I love sharing amazing, validating moments.  One just happened and I headed straight here to share.

It might seem like a small thing but to me it was a HUGE validation of my connection with my Spirit Guides.  

I could be wrong, but I would say that the vast majority of people who talk to Spirit have times they wonder if it's just their imagination.  Even if they've had validation many, many times before.  It just comes with the territory and the nature of how it all works.

The other day, even though I don't doubt deep down, I had such a moment.  So I asked for yet more validation.  Just now I was searching for a piece of paper with information for people I need to contact.  I looked in several places I thought it would be, to no avail.  I was about to go back and look in the same places again when I remembered to ask Spirit for help.  I quickly asked out loud as I was about to head over to the first spot again.  It was a very casual asking.  A reply came to my mind telling me to look in my bag.  The only bag I could think of was my purse, which I'd checked.  I turned to look for it.  As I did so I saw a different bag I'd been carrying today.  It held the perilous high heels I'd worn earlier along with my clothes from yoga.  "Oh," I said.  "You mean this bag."  I unzipped the bag, and at the bottom, under everything, was the paper I was looking for.

Why is this validating?  Because my mind had absolutely no conscious thoughts about that bag.  It never would have occurred to me.  Even when I found the paper, I barely remembered having put it there in the first place.

The answer came so quickly and easily, and in such a way that, to me, there is no doubt where it came from.  I am so happy and feel so blessed to have such great communication with some absolutely fabulous Spirit Guides.

It makes me even happier to know that this weekend I'll be helping others to develop their connection with their own Spirit Guides.  They are such an amazing resource and support team.  I only wish everyone were so connected.  

I'll help as many people as I can along my journey.

Have a wonderful day everyone!