Sunday, 23 June 2013

Long Island, Manotick, Medium

Omg.  I just pulled a Teresa Caputo!  (You know, from the show Long Island Medium.)

I was at a great crystal healing workshop today, and received some powerful healings when it was my turn to be the one receiving.

After the workshop I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a salad for dinner.  I grabbed the salad and then I heard in my head that I should go and pick up some ice cream, since I was going to want it anyway.  You don't have to twist my arm very far for ice cream, so I started walking to the other side of the store.

Part way there, I felt compelled to turn down an aisle I had just passed.  I had no idea why, but I followed the impulse.  Perhaps there was something there that would be good to add to my dinner.  There was only one person in the aisle.  As I started to pass her, I had the feeling that I was supposed to give her a message from someone on the other side.  I thought "oh no, no way."  I've watched Teresa stop people at random on her show and thought it wasn't too cool to do that to unsuspecting people.  It's one thing if they come to you, but could be very upsetting to a person out of the blue.

So I decide to just keep walking.  After only a few paces, I literally could not walk any further; it was like there was a forcefield preventing me.  Now I understood why Teresa does what she does.  The feeling of not doing it would be far worse.

I haven't connected on-the-fly like that before, so had to ask who it was and what they wanted to say before I approached the woman.  I plucked up the courage and introduced myself, saying I'd never done this before and felt like I was on TV.  I told her that her uncle wanted to let her know that everything was going to be okay.  She lit up and validated that there is something in her life she needed to hear that about right now.  She seemed happy to hear it.

I left the aisle, but had to turn around and go back as I felt pulled again.  Apparently Spirit was not done.  I gave her another quick message, repeated the first one again, and was then finally allowed to leave.  Spirit said to reward myself with the ice cream.  Ha ha, thanks Uncle whoever-you-are.  :)

What an interesting life I lead.  Looks like new things are now open for me.  How exciting.

(The title is in reference to the fact I live in Manotick, which has its own Long Island.)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Fuelling Your Fire And Lighting Your Passion

Have you felt it? Have you experienced that moment when your enthusiasm carried you away to a place of great joy almost overwhelming in its magnitude?  We all have I'm sure.  For some it may seem like a distant memory, others live it regularly.

Connecting to that intense feeling of joy is invigorating.  It catapults us out of routine, and sameness and doldrums.  Sometimes, it’s just what we need to give our life a kick-start again.

I have seen people questing for their passion with such desperation that it eludes them.  They can’t seem to find what lights them up.  As I’ve said before about desperation… it really pushes what we seek away from us.

My suggestion, if you would like to find a boost, is to try something new.  Seems obvious, I know, but try looking closer to home than you may have been.  Is someone in your family passionate about something?  Try joining them in that experience just for the heck of it.  Approach it with the wide-eyed wonder of an infant.  Remove any previously held dis-interest and come with a “beginner’s mind”, open to discovering a new experience.

Let them lead you with their joy.  Let their enthusiasm be catching.  You will see how they are enlivened by this thing they enjoy so much.

While their thing may not become your thing, you’ve at least stepped out of your routine, taken an open wonder approach and shared in someone’s passionate energy.  Now look around you for something that catches your interest even a bit and give it a try.  Step in to something new and see what you feel.  Holding lightly to the idea of simply trying new things without the pressure of having to find the one perfect passion removes the desperation.  Then you’ll find yourself having joyful experiences.  You may discover something that gives you that feeling of excitement, or you may find you are now simply open to experiencing joy in a new way, and more regularly.  The intensity is not sustainable, but being open to joy certainly is.

I experienced the rush of exhilaration recently in an unexpected place.  My husband has always enjoyed cars.  A few years ago he discovered lapping, taking his car on the racetrack and driving around at top speed.  Yet there is more to it than pedal to the metal.  There is a learning curve to understanding the angles involved in optimal cornering and all the intricacies of how the car handles, as well as your own comfort level.

I had no interest in cars; this was his new thing.  Over time, as I listened to him enthusiastically recount his experiences, sat next to him as he watched racing videos, and dutifully joined him at the track on occasion to watch, I found my curiosity growing. 

This year it was time for me to retire my long faithful car and I was fortunate enough to get the sporty car I had always wanted.  It’s beautiful.  However now my brain was open to a wider experience of “car” – actually doing something with it beyond commuting. 

I looked in to lapping with my husband, but without modifications my car did not qualify.  Undeterred, I found something called Autocross.  A twisty, turny course set up with pylons in a large parking lot where your car handling skills are tested zipping around as fast as you can.

On the surface this does not seem like something a peaceful, calm, energy-healing woman would even care to contemplate.  However, I took my wonder with me and gave it a try.  It was exhilarating.  I felt so alive and in joy.  I was playing with my new car in a safe space and discovering that my fears dropped quickly as I learned how to control it.  I was able to push farther and faster than I could have imagined and felt so empowered. 

I was delighted to find my self eagerly waiting for my next turn despite having been drenched in a downpour.  As I stood there in pants that felt as if I’d just pulled them from the washer, I thought how different a Sunday I was having.  Instead of the regular dull routine, here I was in what felt like another world of pavement and pylons, sports cars everywhere.  

Yet there I was, enlivened.

Lisa Virtue is an Energy Healer, Medium, and Teacher.
Formerly known by Right Path Healing, Lisa can now be found as Lisa Virtue – connect – heal – grow.
To book an appointment, call 613-296-4271 or email
For more information and upcoming workshops visit
Join her uplifting community at

Thursday, 13 June 2013

3 Summer Workshops. Connect...

I'm offering 3 fantastic workshops this Summer.  
The first one is this Saturday, so get signed up immediately for that one!  Call me at 613-296-4271.

Self Healing

   Saturday, June 15, 2013
       Time:   9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location:   Lisa Virtue Studio, 66 Muriel Street, Suite 210a, Ottawa
       Limit:   8 people
Taking your health into your own hands is such an empowering thing!

connecting with your body in a new way, you will learn to communicate with it and interpret the messages it sends you.  Discover what the body needs from you in order to heal.
You will also be introduced to the life changing skill of deeply grounding and why it is imperative to our wellbeing.
Your body can help you in so many ways you could not imagine.  We’ll delve in to applied kinesiology (muscle testing) and tap in to a great resource of information you didn’t know was at your fingertips.
The skills you'll learn will be valued tools used throughout your lifetime.

Connect Through Nature
        Date:   Friday June 21st (p.m.) or Saturday, June 22, 2013 (a.m.)
   (weather and group preference dependant)
       Time:   late afternoon Friday or morning Saturday
Location:   Gatineau Park
Join Lisa for a brief stroll as she guides you along a beautiful forest trail.  As you begin to de-stress and unwind, you will learn to tune in more deeply to the nature that surrounds you, and connect to its wisdom.
This is a very peaceful practice, settling your mind and energy in the now, while opening you to greater insights. 
A beautiful alternative, or addition to, standard meditation.

Connect with your Spirit Guides

   Saturday, July 6 & Sunday July 7, 2013
       Time:   9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location:   Lisa Virtue Studio, 66 Muriel Street, Suite 210a, Ottawa
       Limit:   8 people
This workshop was conceived by Spirit Guides who wish to reveal the simple steps you can take to connect with your own Guides.  
Spirit Guides can help you make choices that will serve you and your purpose here, bringing you joy and fulfillment. They encourage you towards that which is best for your soul and in alignment with the experience you wished to have here on Earth.
Past participants thoroughly enjoyed the workshop.  Here is a little of what they had to say:
"Lisa Virtue's Spirit Guide Workshop gave me many tools to help understand and to connect with the spirit world. The exercises practiced in session increased my awareness and yielded immediate results. New to these practices, I felt safe and left with a desire to continue to discover new dimensions." – C.W. of Ottawa
“Hi Lisa. You possess a truly rare gift - the ability to connect with everyone on a deep, spiritual level. Thanks again for all your help. I left your workshop filled with immense gratitude! "  –  L.C of Ottawa”

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Guest on Altitude internet radio show

Hi Everyone,

I am the special guest on the Altitude radio show Thurs. June 13th at 11am EST. 
Be sure to tune in as we discuss Multiple Realities.

Here is the official description of the show:
We are multiple beings, we exist in the denser body and the subtle mind, we have our finite and infinite self, both dancing with each other and making our multiple existance. This show is a conversation with Lisa Virtue and bhuvaneswari.

If you miss the show live, you are still able to access the archived recording of it.

Here's the link:


Monday, 3 June 2013

A Little Help From Above

It pays in big ways and in small ways to be in touch with your helpers in the spirit realm.

Thought I'd share a quick story as an example.
I had marked in my calendar that today was the day to renegotiate one of my bills.  So before I got on the phone, I got myself in a good-feeling state, grounded, and asked my spirit helpers / set the intention that this would go smoothly and easily, that the person I talked to would be very helpful and that I would get the best price I could get - lower than the current price, or at worst the same price. (I had already been receiving a limited-time discount.)

While I was chatting with the very nice and helpful person, it was seeming like they may not be able to discount the bill any further.  So I asked Spirit to have them suddenly find a discount that could be applied to me.  I had the feeling that they would - even if it was one that would only happen to show up for me at this time.

The call continued with my price ending up staying as it was.  I hung up and felt okay that at least it wasn't increasing.  I walked back to my desk and a few seconds later received a voicemail.  It was the person I had been speaking with calling to say they had just found a discount they could apply to me, and since I didn't need to do anything to make it happen, they were just going to apply it to the bill right away.

So I publicly now say thank you to my spirit helpers and the person I was speaking with for answering my request.  I so appreciate the love and caring the spirit world has for us all, and that my helpers love me and do their best to help me however they can.  I also acknowledge myself and my role, that by making the effort to align my energy and truly believe the best would occur, I participated actively in the allowing.

So don't hesitate to call on your guides and angels.  They are ready to help you if you ask them.  Then allow the love to flow so that you are as in alignment as you can be to receive.

Great blessings to all of you.

P.S.  Did you know that you can find me now at
         Connect - Heal - Grow is the new motto.